Sunday, July 27, 2008

In addition

So just a few things I didn't get a chance to mention on the previous post. I would like everyone to keep these two people in your prayers: Arnie Issette and Tyler Buitenwerf both from Michigan. Arnie, as I have mentioned before, has tore his Achilles tendon. He was hoping it wasn't torn so that he could join back up with us in Grand Rapids to finish the tour. He has torn his Achilles and required surgery last Friday and his recovery time is longer than he anticipated. Tyler was in an accident yesterday. He was in a paceline when he hit the rider in front of him. He fell really hard on his shoulder and head. He cracked his helmet and broke his right clavicle (collarbone). He will be going home to Michigan tomorrow and will be having surgery later this week. Please pray for a quick recovery for both Tyler and Arnie as they both are great people that we will/are missing very much.
We have become a community, ONE. And as we lose a single rider from this group of 140+, it hurts. We feel no longer as one. But we know God will watch over and care for us and everyone back home as well. Please pray for continued safety for us. Yes I know we have had some bad accidents, but they could quite easily be a lot worse, these riders were still able to say goodbye. And thank God for that.

ps. Hundreds of additional photos are available at just search seatosea08

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Matt That's for you. Read it. Watch the Video.

God Bless,